The IDH Advantage
AI, disinformation, privacy, and free speech are a complex ecosystem of code, culture, and Constitutional law. Whoever fixes it right first wins the 21st century and re-balances AI and humanity.
AI and Algorithms
Disinformation and Political Division
Privacy and Surveillance
Free Speech vs. Hate Speech
#1 One simple, holistic method for AI, disinformation, privacy, and free speech
Bipartisan, non-ideological, Constitutional, innovation-friendly
Teachable to anyone
Usable across industries
Able to re-connect citizens, governments, schools, and companies

“Using the Lens of Narrative Theory
to Rethink Digital Ethics.”
International Vincentian Business Ethics Conference.
With Marci Exted and Thomas Freeman.
October 2022.
Note: All of Dr. M's AI frameworks also handle free speech, privacy, and disinformation. These are only key works. See full CV here.
“Using the Lens of Narrative Theory
to Rethink Digital Ethics.”
International Vincentian Business Ethics Conference.
With Marci Exted and Thomas Freeman.
October 2022.
“Privacy 3.0: Using Narrative Theory
to Reframe Health Data Sanctity.”
Inaugural Transatlantic Dialogue on Humanity and AI Regulation.
Hosted by HEC Paris.
Paris, France. May 2022.
“Privacy 3.0: Using Narrative Theory to Forgive, Forget, and Re-Program Digital Dignity.”
Data, Law, and AI Ethics Research Colloquium.
Organizers: Indiana University, Virginia Tech, and University of Pennsylvania.
With Thomas Freeman.
Online. April 2022.
“Algorithmic Unreliability: Narrative Theory, Digital Ethics, and The Constitutionality of Employment AI.”
Midwest Academy of Legal Studies in Business.
With Thomas Freeman and Marci Exted.
Chicago, IL and Online: March 2022.
“Redefining Digital Literary:
Algorithms and You.”
With Thomas Freeman, Ayin Morales-Monge, and Shea Sullivan.
March 2022.
“Privacy 3.0: Forgiveness
and Student Data After Mahoney.”
International Vincentian Business Ethics Conference.
With Thomas Freeman, Simon Truatman, and Amanda Aherns.
Chicago: DePaul University. October 2021.
“Algorithmic Bias: How Cross-Functional Networks Can Fight Digitized Discrimination.”
Creighton University.
Heider Business Symposium.
With Thomas Freeman, Elizabeth Otto, Ayin Monge, and Julius Hernandez.
Omaha, NE. October 2021.
“Reckoning With Robots; The Constitutional Implications of Using Algorithms to Make
Human Decisions.”
Midwest Association of Legal Studies in Business/Midwest Business Administration Association Annual Conference.
With Thomas Freeman. Chicago: March 2021.
“Digital Ethics: What’s Next?”
OSTROM Workshop.
Indiana University School of Business. Bloomington, IN. With Julius Hernandez and Shea Sullivan.
February 2021.
“A Taxonomy of Algorithmic Unreliability: Using Facial Recognition to Map Constitutional Issues.” Data, Law, and AI Ethics Research Colloquium.
Indiana University and Virginia Tech University. Online (COVID): May 2020
“What Would Jesus Program?”
Rhetoric Society of America.
Portland, OR.
May 2020. (COVID).
“Racist Robots? A Visual Primer on Understanding Algorithmic Bias.”
Midwest Associate of Legal Studies in Business/Midwest Business Administration Association Annual Conference.
With Thomas Freeman, Ayin Monge-Morales, and Moises Morales.
March 2020.
“Rhetoric Versus the Robots II: The Ethics of Algorithmic Unreliability.”
International Society for the Study of Narrative.
With Weston Cregut and Rebekah Winkel.
New Orleans, LA. March 2020.
“Rhetoric Versus the Robots: Mapping the Legal and Ethical Dimensions of Algorithmic Discrimination.”
Consortium for the Study of Religion, Ethics and Society at Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business.
Bloomington, IN. November 2019.
“Privacy 3.0: Using Narrative Theory to Navigate Legal, Corporate, and Community Debates on Algorithmic Ethics.”
Data, Law, and AI Ethics Research Colloquium. Washington and Lee School of Law.
With Thomas Freeman.
Lexington, VA. April 2019.
“Why Digital Rights Is The New Civil Rights Movement.”
North Carolina A & T State University.
Greensboro, NC: May 2018.
"Social Media Privacy Big Data Reasoning.”
Hamline University.
Saint Paul, MN. April 2017.
“Campaign Narrative, The End: A New
Story for the Narrative Model of
Rhetorical Agency,”
Rhetoric Society of America.
San Antonio, TX: May 2014.
“The New New Journalism: The Post-Postmodern Aesthetics of Narrative As Rhetoric.”
International Society for the Study of Narrative.
Boston, MA: March 2014.
Rogue Publics.
Competitive Workshop.
Rhetoric Society of America Summer Institute.
Lawrence, KS: June 2013.
21st Century Presidential Rhetoric.
Competitive Workshop.
Rhetoric Society of America Summer Institute.
Lawrence, KS: June 2013.
“Audience 3.0: A New Rhetorical Ethics (and Aesthetics) for a Post-Remix Era.”
Rhetoric Society of America.
Philadelphia, PA: May 2012.
“The Gentle Art of Accepting Enemies: New Media and the Rhetorical Aesthetics of Audience Exclusion.”
International Society for the Study of Narrative.
St. Louis, MO: April 2011.
“Playing Out Remix,”
Conference on College Composition and Communication.
Louisville, KY: March 2010.
“I’m Not There Anymore: The Return of Identity in the Post-Remix Age.”
Thomas R. Watson Conference on Rhetoric and Composition.
Louisville, KY: October 2008.
“Ethos in a Remediated Age: Context, Character, and Community.”
Rhetoric Society of America.
Seattle, WA: May 2008.
Note: All of Dr. M's AI frameworks also handle free speech, privacy, and disinformation.
These are only key works. See full CV here.
All of Dr. M's "IDH IP" was embargoed from publication from January 2020-November 2024.
Journals and literary agents are interested in quick releases.
Donations will help expedite this processs.
"Using the Lens of Narrative Theory to Rethink Digital Ethics”
International Vincentian Business Ethics Conference.
Proceedings. (Forthcoming.)
With Marci Exted and Thomas Freeman.
“Advising Companies on Data Collection and the Use
of Automated Decision Making.”
Nebraska Lawyer.
May/June 2023.
With Thomas Freeman.
“Principles of Digital Law and Ethics.”
Competition Policy International: Special Issue on Machine Learning.
February 2023.
With Thomas Freeman and Samson Hall.
"The Roberts Court and Compulsory Collective Bargaining:
Reading the Tea Leaves After Janus and Masterpiece."
Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy
Vol. 21, Issue 1 (2023).
With Thomas Freeman, Amy Parrish, and Christopher Cochon.
“A Primer on Digital and Data Science Ethics."
Nebraska Lawyer.
Sept/Oct 2022.
With Thomas Freeman and Samson Hall.
“Rhetorically Predicting a First Amendment Right to Negotiation After Janus.”
William and Mary Business Law Review
1 Wm. & Mary Bus. L. Rev. 609 (2020).
With Thomas Freeman and Destynie Sewell.
“Criminal Conviction By Algorithms are Ruining Innocent Lives.”
Omaha World-Herald.
August 29, 2021.
With Thomas Freeman and Elizabeth Otto.
“The Legal Implications of Algorithmic Decision-Making.”
Nebraska Lawyer.
May/June 2020.
With Thomas Freeman and Samson Hall.
"Let Them All Eat Cake: Rhetorically Mapping Religious Freedom,
LGBTQIA Discrimination, and The First Amendment After Janus and Masterpiece.”
2020 Proceedings of the Midwest Academy of Legal Studies in Business.
With Thomas Freeman.
“As Technology Evolves, So Does the Practice of Law (and So Must Attorneys).”
July/August 2019.
Nebraska Lawyer Magazine.
With Thomas Freeman.
July/August 2019.
“I Want to Party With You Cowboy: Stephen Colbert
and Campaign 2016’s Aesthetic Logic of Truthiness.”
The Joke is On Us: Political Comedy in (Late) Neoliberal Times.
In Julie Webber-Collins, Ed.
Lexington Press, 2019.
With Thomas Lawson.
Fear and Loathing in the New Media Era:
How to Realign Our Rhetorical Judgments for the Post-Postmodern, Digital Media Age.
Ohio State University, 2012.
“The Rhetoric of Narrative:
What the Law as Narrative Movement
Can Teach the Rest of the Narrative Turn.”
Narrative Acts: Rhetoric, Race, Identity, Knowledge.
Deborah Journet, Ed.
Hampton Press, 2011.
“Rhetoric.”Blackwell Encyclopedia of the Novel.
Peter Logan, Ed.
Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
Thesea re award-winning conference presentations and proven solutions ready for publlication:
“Using Narrative Theory to Categorize the Legality and Ethics of Employment AI.”
With Thomas Freeman and Marci Exted.
“Using Narrative Theory to Categorize the Constitutionality of Predictive Policing Algorithms.”
With Thomas Freeman and Annie Sallee.
“Using Narrative Theory to Categorize the Constitutionality of Facial Recognition in Criminal Contexts.”
With Thomas Freeman and Daniel Schneider.
“Using Narrative Theory to Triangulate First Amendment Aesthetics
and Algorithmic Hate Speech After Masterpiece.”
With Thomas Freeman and Steven Pedersen.

“Not Necessarily Not the News: Remediation, Gatekeeping, and The Daily Show.”
Journal of American Culture
28.4 (Dec 2005): 415-430.
Note: All of Dr. M's disinformation frameworks also handle free speech, privacy, and disinformation. These are only key works. See full CV here.
More importantly: All of Dr. M’s solutions are designed to catalyze new, bipartisan coalitions and heal digital political divisions.
“The New New Journalism: The Post-Postmodern Aesthetics of Narrative As Rhetoric.”
International Society for Narrative.
Boston, MA:March 2014.
“2008: The Year We Re-Made Contact (or, Why Did Postmodernism End?)"
Project Narrative Presents: Prophets in Their Own Century.
Columbus, OH: January 2009.
“OurSpace: Resituating Civic Literacy
in the University Curriculum.”
The Ohio State University.
With Michael Harker and Scott Lloyd DeWitt.
Columbus, OH: March 30, 2007.
“The ‘Dean Scream’ Didn’t Happen
(And How it Did).”
American Popular Culture Association.
Atlanta, GA: April 2006.
“The Art of EMF Science: Aesthetics, Ethics, and Post-Digital Health Advocacy.”
Rhetoric of Health And Medicine Conference.
With Stephen Pedersen and Allison Baker.
Online: October 2020.
“Cellular Home Invasion: Public Art As Rhetorical Intervention in Scientific Debates On EMF Health Effects.”
Rhetoric Society of America.
With Allison Baker and the Institute for Aesthetic Advocacy.
Portland, OR. May 2020. (COVID).
“EMF Science and the Post-Fact Society:Models to Stop Disinformation.”
Drew University.
New Jersey: June 2018.
“Unsound Methods?”
Panel and Multimedia Performance.
Rhetoric Society of America.
With Cory Holding, Matt Sumera, Josh Gumiela, Allison Baker, and the Institute for Aesthetic Advocacy.
Minneapolis, MN, May 2018.
“#Objectivity: Unlikable Narrative Justice.”
Beyond Ferguson: Critical Conversations.
Hamline University.
Saint Paul, MN: January 2015.
“Campaign Narrative, The End:
A New Story for the Narrative Model of Rhetorical Agency,”
Rhetoric Society of America.
San Antonio, TX: May 2014.
“The New New Journalism: The Post-Postmodern
Aesthetics of Narrative As Rhetoric.”
International Society for the Study of Narrative.
Boston, MA:March 2014.
Rogue Publics.
Competitive Workshop.
Rhetoric Society of America Summer Institute.
Lawrence, KS: June 2013.
21st Century Presidential Rhetoric.
Competitive Workshop.
Rhetoric Society of America Summer Institute.
Lawrence, KS: June 2013.
“Audience 3.0: A New Rhetorical Ethics
(and Aesthetics) for a Post-Remix Era.”
Rhetoric Society of America.
Philadelphia, PA: May 2012.
“The Gentle Art of Accepting Enemies:
New Media and the Rhetorical Aesthetics of Audience Exclusion.”
International Society for the Study of Narrative.
St. Louis, MO: April 2011.
“Playing Out Remix,”
Conference on College Composition and Communication.
Louisville, KY: March 2010.
End the Gaffe (And How Narrative Theory Let’s Us Do It).”
International Society for the Study of Narrative.
Birmingham, UK: June 2009.
“2008: The Year We Re-Made Contact
(or, Why Did Postmodernism End?)"
Project Narrative Presents: Prophets in Their Own Century.
Columbus, OH: January 2009.
“I’m Not There Anymore: The Return of Identity in the Post-Remix Age.”
Thomas R. Watson Conference on Rhetoric and Composition.
Louisville, KY: October 2008.
“Ethos in a Remediated Age: Context, Character, and Community.”
Rhetoric Society of America.
Seattle, WA: May 2008.
Digital Rhetoric.
Competitive Workshop
Rhetoric Society of America Summer Institute.
Troy, NY: June 2007.
“Evaluating the ‘Narrative Turn.’”
Edward F. Hayes Graduate Research Forum.
Columbus, OH: April 2007.
“The Rhetoric of ‘Rhetoric’ in Rhetoric and Political Science.”
Rhetoric Society of America.
Memphis, TN: May 2006.
“The Rhetoric of Narrative--or, maybe, ‘The Narrative of Narrative.’”
Thomas R. Watson Conference on Rhetoric and Composition.
Louisville, KY, October 2006.
“The ‘Dean Scream’ Didn’t Happen
(And How it Did).”
American Popular Culture Association. Atlanta, GA: April 2006.
“Narrative Temporality in News Stories.”
The International Society for the Study of Narrative.
Ottawa, Canada: April 2006.
“’But…This is a Good Graph’: What a Political Science Classroom (and
the Spanish-American War) Can Tell us About Interdisciplinarity, Grad Students, and the Rhetoric of Rhetoric (and Vice Versa).”
The Ohio State University.
EGO Spring Graduate Colloquium.
Columbus, OH, May 2005.
“Is It Something or Nothing? Narratologically Situating the Music of
John Zorn’s Naked City.”
Edward F. Hayes Graduate Research Forum.
Columbus, OH: April 2004.
“[Something about postmodernism, American media culture, and Chinese hegemony]”
China Rising?
US Naval Academy. Spring 1998.
Nominated by University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Dept. of Political Science.
“Make Them Bake Cake? In the Wake of Masterpiece Cakeshop, Which Religious Activities Are Protected Expression Under the First Amendment and Protected from Discrimination Laws?”
Midwest Business Administrative Association/Midwest Academy of Legal Studies in Business Joint Conference.
With Tom Freeman and Daniel Schneider.
Chicago, IL. March 2020.
“The Right to Speak, Bake, or Film…or Not…Which Activities are Protected Expression Under the First Amendment?”.
Huber Hurst Research Seminar in Business Law and Ethics.
With Thomas Freeman.
Gainsville, FL. January 2020.
“The Pillowman and Free Speech: A Post-Performance Discussion.”
Hamline University.
Saint Paul, MN. 22 February 2016.
“Shouting Fire: Originalism and Antonin Scalia.”
Jiggery-Pokery and Applesauce? The Impact and Legacy of Justice Antonin Scalia.
Hamline University Center for Justice and Law.
Saint Paul, MN: February 2016.
“Shouting ‘Fire’ in the Writing Classroom:
Rhetoric, Law, and Composition.”
Conference on College Composition and Communication. New York, NY: March 2007.
“‘Alive and well and living in Washington’:
Narrativity, Casebook Logic, and Legal Pedagogy.”
The International Society for the Study of Narrative.
Washington, D.C.: March 2007.
“OurSpace: Resituating Civic Literacy
in the University Curriculum.”
The Ohio State University.
With Michael Harker and Scott Lloyd DeWitt.
Columbus, OH: March 30, 2007.
“New Media, New Curricula.”
Conference on College Composition and Communication.
Chicago, IL: April 2006.
“Finding Authorization to ‘lance the boil’:
Context, Content, and Free Speech Zones.”
Association for the Study of Law, Culture, and the Humanities.
Syracuse, NY: March 2006.
“Using the Lens of Narrative Theory
to Rethink Digital Ethics.”
International Vincentian Business Ethics Conference.
With Marci Exted and Thomas Freeman.
October 2022.
“Privacy 3.0: Using Narrative Theory
to Reframe Health Data Sanctity.”
Inaugural Transatlantic Dialogue on Humanity and AI Regulation.
Hosted by HEC Paris.
Paris, France. May 2022.
“Privacy 3.0: Using Narrative Theory to
Forgive, Forget, and Re-Program Digital Dignity.”
Data, Law, and AI Ethics Research Colloquium.
Organizers: Indiana University, Virginia Tech, and University of Pennsylvania.
With Thomas Freeman.
Online. April 2022.
“Triangulating Hate Speech and Free Speech in Algorithmic Environments.”
Indiana University.
Bloomington, IN: April 2022. (Online.)
“Algorithmic Unreliability: Narrative Theory,
Digital Ethics, and The Constitutionality of Employment AI.”
Midwest Academy of Legal Studies in Business.
With Thomas Freeman and Marci Exted.
Chicago, IL and Online: March 2022.
“Redefining Digital Literary:
Algorithms and You.”
With Thomas Freeman, Ayin Morales-Monge, and Shea Sullivan.
March 2022.
“Privacy 3.0: Forgiveness
and Student Data After Mahoney.”
International Vincentian Business Ethics Conference.
With Thomas Freeman, Simon Truatman, and Amanda Aherns.
Chicago: DePaul University. October 2021.
“Algorithmic Bias: How Cross-Functional Networks
Can Fight Digitized Discrimination.”
Creighton University.
Heider Business Symposium.
With Thomas Freeman, Elizabeth Otto, Ayin Monge, and Julius Hernandez.
Omaha, NE. October 2021.
“Reckoning With Robots:The Constitutional Implications of Using Algorithms to Make
Human Decisions.”
Midwest Association of Legal Studies in Business /
Midwest Business Administration Association Annual Conference.
With Thomas Freeman.
Chicago: March 2021.
“Digital Ethics: What’s Next?”
OSTROM Workshop.
Indiana University School of Business.
Bloomington, IN.
With Julius Hernandez and Shea Sullivan.
February 2021.
“A Taxonomy of Algorithmic Unreliability:
Using Facial Recognition to Map Constitutional Issues.”
Data, Law, and AI Ethics Research Colloquium.
Indiana University and Virginia Tech University.
Online (COVID): May 2020
“What Would Jesus Program?”
Rhetoric Society of America.
Portland, OR.
May 2020. (COVID).
“Racist Robots? A Visual Primer on Understanding Algorithmic Bias.”
Midwest Associate of Legal Studies in Business /
Midwest Business Administration Association Annual Conference.
With Thomas Freeman, Ayin Monge-Morales,
and Moises Morales.
March 2020.
“Rhetoric Versus the Robots II: The Ethics of Algorithmic Unreliability.”
International Society for the Study of Narrative.
With Weston Cregut and Rebekah Winkel.
New Orleans, LA. March 2020.
“Rhetoric Versus the Robots: Mapping the Legal
and Ethical Dimensions of Algorithmic Discrimination.”
Consortium for the Study of Religion, Ethics and Society at Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business.
Bloomington, IN. November 2019.
“Privacy 3.0: Using Narrative Theory to Navigate
Legal, Corporate, and Community Debates on Algorithmic Ethics.”
Data, Law, and AI Ethics Research Colloquium.
Washington and Lee School of Law.
With Thomas Freeman.
Lexington, VA. April 2019.
“Why Digital Rights Is The New Civil Rights Movement.”
North Carolina A & T State University.
Greensboro, NC: May 2018.
“What Norm MacDonald and Narrative TheoryCan Teach Us About Social Media PrivacyAnd Big Data Reasoning.” Hamline University. Saint Paul, MN. April 2017. Invited.
Note: All of Dr. M's disinformation frameworks also handle free speech, privacy, and AI.
These are only key works. See full CV here.
All of Dr. M's "IDH IP" was embargoed from publication from January 2020-November 2024.
Journals and literary agents are interested in quick releases.
Donations will help expedite this process.
“In Two Voices: A Neuroscientist and Patient Tell Their Story.”
Intima: A Journal of Narrative Medicine.
With Amanda Aherns and Stephen Pederson.
August 2020.
“The Art of EMF Science: Aesthetics, Ethics, and Post-Digital Health Advocacy.”
PostHuman: New Media Art 2020.
With Steven Pederson and the Institute for Aesthetic Advocacy.
CICA Press:
Seoul, South Korea: 2020.
Free Speech in Post-Digital America.
Cross-cultural Zine Exchange.
Editor. Hennepin County Library: Permanent Collection.
With The Institute for Digital Humanity and the Institute for Aesthetic Advocacy.
September 2019.
“I Want to Party With You Cowboy: Stephen Colbert
and Campaign 2016’s Aesthetic Logic of Truthiness.”
The Joke is On Us: Political Comedy in (Late) Neoliberal Times.
In Julie Webber-Collins, Ed.
Lexington Press, 2019.
With Thomas Lawson.
Fear and Loathing in the New Media Era:
How to Realign Our Rhetorical Judgments for the
Post-Postmodern, Digital Media Age.
Ohio State University, 2012.
“The Rhetoric of Narrative:
What the Law as Narrative Movement
Can Teach the Rest of the Narrative Turn.”
Narrative Acts: Rhetoric, Race, Identity, Knowledge.
Deborah Journet, Ed.
Hampton Press, 2011.
lackwell Encyclopedia of the Novel.
Peter Logan, Ed.
Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
Commonplace: A User’s Guide to Persuasion
(for an Age that Desperately Needs One).
McGraw-Hill, 2009.
With Michael Harker and Scott Lloyd DeWitt.
“New Media, New English.”
Reading and Writing New Media.
Eds. Cheryl E. Ball and James Kalmbach.
With Jason Palmeri, Cormac Slevin, andvScott Lloyd DeWitt.
Hampton Press, 2009.
The Business of Higher Education: Marketing and Consumer Interests.
Eds. John C. Knapp and David J. Siegel.
Praeger, 2009.
“Are We the Rockstars We’ve Been Waiting For?”
3 Nov. 2008.
“Huckabee’s Family Guy Values.”
21 Jan. 2008.
“Re-Learning How to Argue.”
Audio essay.
Multimodal Composition: Resources for Teachers.
Ed. Cynthia L. Selfe.
Hampton Press, 2007.
“Made Actual Through Pain: A Literacy Narrative.”
Video essay.
Multimodal Composition: Resources for Teachers.
Ed. Cynthia L. Selfe.
With Michael Harker and Cormac Slevin.
Hampton Press, 2007.
“A Hypothetical Problem.”
17 Sept. 2006.
“Not Necessarily Not the News:
Remediation, Gatekeeping, and The Daily Show.”
Journal of American Culture
28.4 (Dec 2005): 415-430.
"Using the Lens of Narrative Theory to Rethink Digital Ethics”
International Vincentian Business Ethics Conference.
Proceedings. (Forthcoming.)
With Marci Exted and Thomas Freeman.
“Advising Companies on Data Collection and the Use
of Automated Decision Making.”
Nebraska Lawyer.
May/June 2023.
With Thomas Freeman.
“Principles of Digital Law and Ethics.”
Competition Policy International: Special Issue on Machine Learning.
February 2023.
With Thomas Freeman and Samson Hall.
"The Roberts Court and Compulsory Collective Bargaining:
Reading the Tea Leaves After Janus and Masterpiece."
Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy
Vol. 21, Issue 1 (2023).
With Thomas Freeman, Amy Parrish, and Christopher Cochon.
“A Primer on Digital and Data Science Ethics."
Nebraska Lawyer.
Sept/Oct 2022.
With Thomas Freeman and Samson Hall.
“Rhetorically Predicting a First Amendment Right to Negotiation After Janus.”
William and Mary Business Law Review
1 Wm. & Mary Bus. L. Rev. 609 (2020).
With Thomas Freeman and Destynie Sewell.
“Criminal Conviction By Algorithms are Ruining Innocent Lives.”
Omaha World-Herald.
August 29, 2021.
With Thomas Freeman and Elizabeth Otto.
“The Legal Implications of Algorithmic Decision-Making.”
Nebraska Lawyer.
May/June 2020.
With Thomas Freeman and Samson Hall.
"Let Them All Eat Cake: Rhetorically Mapping Religious Freedom,
LGBTQIA Discrimination, and The First Amendment After Janus and Masterpiece.”
2020 Proceedings of the Midwest Academy of Legal Studies in Business.
With Thomas Freeman.
“As Technology Evolves, So Does the Practice of Law (and So Must Attorneys).”
July/August 2019.
Nebraska Lawyer Magazine.
With Thomas Freeman.
July/August 2019.
These are award-winning conference presentations and proven solutions ready for publication:
“Using Narrative Theory to Categorize the Legality and Ethics of Employment AI.”
With Thomas Freeman and Marci Exted.
“Using Narrative Theory to Categorize the Constitutionality of Predictive Policing Algorithms.”
With Thomas Freeman and Annie Sallee.
“Using Narrative Theory to Categorize the Constitutionality of Facial Recognition in Criminal Contexts.”
With Thomas Freeman and Daniel Schneider.
“Using Narrative Theory to Triangulate First Amendment Aesthetics
and Algorithmic Hate Speech After Masterpiece.”
With Thomas Freeman and Steven Pedersen.

“Privacy 3.0: Using Narrative Theoryto Reframe Health Data Sanctity.”
Inaugural Transatlantic Dialogue
on Humanity and AI Regulation.
Hosted by HEC Paris.
Paris, France. May 2022. Invited.
Note: All of Dr. M's AI frameworks also handle free speech, privacy, and disinformation. These are only key works. See full CV here.
“Using the Lens of Narrative Theory
to Rethink Digital Ethics.”
International Vincentian Business Ethics Conference.
With Marci Exted and Thomas Freeman.
October 2022.
“Privacy 3.0: Using Narrative Theory
to Reframe Health Data Sanctity.”
Inaugural Transatlantic Dialogue on Humanity and AI Regulation.
Hosted by HEC Paris.
Paris, France. May 2022.
“Privacy 3.0: Using Narrative Theory to Forgive, Forget, and Re-Program Digital Dignity.”
Data, Law, and AI Ethics Research Colloquium.
Organizers: Indiana University, Virginia Tech, and University of Pennsylvania.
With Thomas Freeman.
Online. April 2022.
“Algorithmic Unreliability: Narrative Theory, Digital Ethics, and The Constitutionality of Employment AI.”
Midwest Academy of Legal Studies in Business.
With Thomas Freeman and Marci Exted.
Chicago, IL and Online: March 2022.
“Redefining Digital Literary:
Algorithms and You.”
With Thomas Freeman, Ayin Morales-Monge, and Shea Sullivan.
March 2022.
“Privacy 3.0: Forgiveness
and Student Data After Mahoney.”
International Vincentian Business Ethics Conference.
With Thomas Freeman, Simon Truatman, and Amanda Aherns.
Chicago: DePaul University. October 2021.
“Algorithmic Bias: How Cross-Functional Networks Can Fight Digitized Discrimination.”
Creighton University.
Heider Business Symposium.
With Thomas Freeman, Elizabeth Otto, Ayin Monge, and Julius Hernandez.
Omaha, NE. October 2021.
“Reckoning With Robots; The Constitutional Implications of Using Algorithms to Make
Human Decisions.”
Midwest Association of Legal Studies in Business/Midwest Business Administration Association Annual Conference.
With Thomas Freeman. Chicago: March 2021.
“Digital Ethics: What’s Next?”
OSTROM Workshop.
Indiana University School of Business. Bloomington, IN. With Julius Hernandez and Shea Sullivan.
February 2021.
“A Taxonomy of Algorithmic Unreliability: Using Facial Recognition to Map Constitutional Issues.” Data, Law, and AI Ethics Research Colloquium.
Indiana University and Virginia Tech University. Online (COVID): May 2020
“What Would Jesus Program?”
Rhetoric Society of America.
Portland, OR.
May 2020. (COVID).
“Racist Robots? A Visual Primer on Understanding Algorithmic Bias.”
Midwest Associate of Legal Studies in Business/Midwest Business Administration Association Annual Conference.
With Thomas Freeman, Ayin Monge-Morales, and Moises Morales.
March 2020.
“Rhetoric Versus the Robots II: The Ethics of Algorithmic Unreliability.”
International Society for the Study of Narrative.
With Weston Cregut and Rebekah Winkel.
New Orleans, LA. March 2020.
“Rhetoric Versus the Robots: Mapping the Legal and Ethical Dimensions of Algorithmic Discrimination.”
Consortium for the Study of Religion, Ethics and Society at Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business.
Bloomington, IN. November 2019.
“Privacy 3.0: Using Narrative Theory to Navigate Legal, Corporate, and Community Debates on Algorithmic Ethics.”
Data, Law, and AI Ethics Research Colloquium. Washington and Lee School of Law.
With Thomas Freeman.
Lexington, VA. April 2019.
“Why Digital Rights Is The New Civil Rights Movement.”
North Carolina A & T State University.
Greensboro, NC: May 2018.
"Social Media Privacy Big Data Reasoning.”
Hamline University.
Saint Paul, MN. April 2017.
“Campaign Narrative, The End: A New
Story for the Narrative Model of
Rhetorical Agency,”
Rhetoric Society of America.
San Antonio, TX: May 2014.
“The New New Journalism: The Post-Postmodern Aesthetics of Narrative As Rhetoric.”
International Society for the Study of Narrative.
Boston, MA: March 2014.
Rogue Publics.
Competitive Workshop.
Rhetoric Society of America Summer Institute.
Lawrence, KS: June 2013.
21st Century Presidential Rhetoric.
Competitive Workshop.
Rhetoric Society of America Summer Institute.
Lawrence, KS: June 2013.
“Audience 3.0: A New Rhetorical Ethics (and Aesthetics) for a Post-Remix Era.”
Rhetoric Society of America.
Philadelphia, PA: May 2012.
“The Gentle Art of Accepting Enemies: New Media and the Rhetorical Aesthetics of Audience Exclusion.”
International Society for the Study of Narrative.
St. Louis, MO: April 2011.
“Playing Out Remix,”
Conference on College Composition and Communication.
Louisville, KY: March 2010.
“I’m Not There Anymore: The Return of Identity in the Post-Remix Age.”
Thomas R. Watson Conference on Rhetoric and Composition.
Louisville, KY: October 2008.
“Ethos in a Remediated Age: Context, Character, and Community.”
Rhetoric Society of America.
Seattle, WA: May 2008.
Note: All of Dr. M's pricacy frameworks also handle free speech, AI, and disinformation.
These are only key works. See full CV here.
All of Dr. M's "IDH IP" was embargoed from publication from January 2020-November 2024.
Journals and literary agents are interested in quick releases.
Donations will help expedite this processs.
"Using the Lens of Narrative Theory to Rethink Digital Ethics”
International Vincentian Business Ethics Conference.
Proceedings. (Forthcoming.)
With Marci Exted and Thomas Freeman.
“Advising Companies on Data Collection and the Use
of Automated Decision Making.”
Nebraska Lawyer.
May/June 2023.
With Thomas Freeman.
“Principles of Digital Law and Ethics.”
Competition Policy International: Special Issue on Machine Learning.
February 2023.
With Thomas Freeman and Samson Hall.
"The Roberts Court and Compulsory Collective Bargaining:
Reading the Tea Leaves After Janus and Masterpiece."
Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy
Vol. 21, Issue 1 (2023).
With Thomas Freeman, Amy Parrish, and Christopher Cochon.
“A Primer on Digital and Data Science Ethics."
Nebraska Lawyer.
Sept/Oct 2022.
With Thomas Freeman and Samson Hall.
“Rhetorically Predicting a First Amendment Right to Negotiation After Janus.”
William and Mary Business Law Review
1 Wm. & Mary Bus. L. Rev. 609 (2020).
With Thomas Freeman and Destynie Sewell.
“Criminal Conviction By Algorithms are Ruining Innocent Lives.”
Omaha World-Herald.
August 29, 2021.
With Thomas Freeman and Elizabeth Otto.
“The Legal Implications of Algorithmic Decision-Making.”
Nebraska Lawyer.
May/June 2020.
With Thomas Freeman and Samson Hall.
"Let Them All Eat Cake: Rhetorically Mapping Religious Freedom,
LGBTQIA Discrimination, and The First Amendment After Janus and Masterpiece.”
2020 Proceedings of the Midwest Academy of Legal Studies in Business.
With Thomas Freeman.
“As Technology Evolves, So Does the Practice of Law (and So Must Attorneys).”
July/August 2019.
Nebraska Lawyer Magazine.
With Thomas Freeman.
July/August 2019.
“I Want to Party With You Cowboy: Stephen Colbert
and Campaign 2016’s Aesthetic Logic of Truthiness.”
The Joke is On Us: Political Comedy in (Late) Neoliberal Times.
In Julie Webber-Collins, Ed.
Lexington Press, 2019.
With Thomas Lawson.
Fear and Loathing in the New Media Era:
How to Realign Our Rhetorical Judgments for the Post-Postmodern, Digital Media Age.
Ohio State University, 2012.
“The Rhetoric of Narrative:
What the Law as Narrative Movement
Can Teach the Rest of the Narrative Turn.”
Narrative Acts: Rhetoric, Race, Identity, Knowledge.
Deborah Journet, Ed.
Hampton Press, 2011.
“Rhetoric.”Blackwell Encyclopedia of the Novel.
Peter Logan, Ed.
Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.
Thesea re award-winning conference presentations and proven solutions ready for publlication:
“Using Narrative Theory to Categorize the Legality and Ethics of Employment AI.”
With Thomas Freeman and Marci Exted.
“Using Narrative Theory to Categorize the Constitutionality of Predictive Policing Algorithms.”
With Thomas Freeman and Annie Sallee.
“Using Narrative Theory to Categorize the Constitutionality of Facial Recognition in Criminal Contexts.”
With Thomas Freeman and Daniel Schneider.
“Using Narrative Theory to Triangulate First Amendment Aesthetics
and Algorithmic Hate Speech After Masterpiece.”
With Thomas Freeman and Steven Pedersen.

“Let Them All Eat Cake: Rhetorically Mapping Religious Freedom, LGBTQIA Discrimination, and The First Amendment After Janus and Masterpiece.”
Midwest Business Administrative Association/Midwest Academy of Legal Studies in Business Conference.
With Tom Freeman and Daniel Schneider.
Chicago, IL. March 2020.
Note: All of Dr. M's AI frameworks also handle free speech, privacy, and disinformation. These are only key works. See full CV here.
“Triangulating Hate Speech and Free Speech in Algorithmic Environments.”
Indiana University.
Bloomington, IN: April 2022. (Online.)
“Make Them Bake Cake? In the Wake of Masterpiece Cakeshop, Which Religious Activities Are Protected Expression Under the First Amendment and Protected from Discrimination Laws?”
Midwest Business Administrative Association/Midwest Academy of Legal Studies in Business Joint Conference.
With Tom Freeman and Daniel Schneider.
Chicago, IL. March 2020.
“The Right to Speak, Bake, or Film…or Not…Which Activities are Protected Expression Under the First Amendment?”.
Huber Hurst Research Seminar in Business Law and Ethics.
With Thomas Freeman.
Gainsville, FL. January 2020.
“Janus and the Future of Collective Bargaining,
Rhetorically Predicting a First Amendment Right to Negotiation.”
Midwest Academy of Legal Studies in Business Joint Conference.
With Thomas Freeman.
Chicago, March 2019.
“The Pillowman and Free Speech: A Post-Performance Discussion.”
Hamline University.
Saint Paul, MN. 22 February 2016.
“Shouting Fire: Originalism and Antonin Scalia.”
Jiggery-Pokery and Applesauce? The Impact and Legacy of Justice Antonin Scalia.
Hamline University Center for Justice and Law.
Saint Paul, MN: February 2016.
“Shouting ‘Fire’ in the Writing Classroom:
Rhetoric, Law, and Composition.”
Conference on College Composition and Communication.
New York, NY: March 2007.
“‘Alive and well and living in Washington’:
Narrativity, Casebook Logic, and Legal Pedagogy.”
International Society for the Study of Narrative.
Washington, D.C.: March 2007.
“Finding Authorization to ‘lance the boil’:
Context, Content, and Free Speech Zones.”
Association for the Study of Law,
Culture, and the Humanities.
Syracuse, NY: March 2006.
“Using the Lens of Narrative Theory
to Rethink Digital Ethics.”
International Vincentian Business Ethics Conference.
With Marci Exted and Thomas Freeman.
October 2022.
“Privacy 3.0: Using Narrative Theory
to Reframe Health Data Sanctity.”
Inaugural Transatlantic Dialogue on Humanity and AI Regulation.
Hosted by HEC Paris.
Paris, France. May 2022.
“Privacy 3.0: Using Narrative Theory to
Forgive, Forget, and Re-Program Digital Dignity.”
Data, Law, and AI Ethics Research Colloquium.
Organizers: Indiana University, Virginia Tech, and University of Pennsylvania.
With Thomas Freeman.
Online. April 2022.
“Algorithmic Unreliability: Narrative Theory,
Digital Ethics, and The Constitutionality of Employment AI.”
Midwest Academy of Legal Studies in Business.
With Thomas Freeman and Marci Exted.
Chicago, IL and Online: March 2022.
“Redefining Digital Literary:
Algorithms and You.”
With Thomas Freeman, Ayin Morales-Monge, and Shea Sullivan.
March 2022.
“Privacy 3.0: Forgiveness
and Student Data After Mahoney.”
International Vincentian Business Ethics Conference.
With Thomas Freeman, Simon Truatman, and Amanda Aherns.
Chicago: DePaul University. October 2021.
“Algorithmic Bias: How Cross-Functional Networks
Can Fight Digitized Discrimination.”
Creighton University.
Heider Business Symposium.
With Thomas Freeman, Elizabeth Otto, Ayin Monge, and Julius Hernandez.
Omaha, NE. October 2021.
“Reckoning With Robots:The Constitutional Implications of Using Algorithms to Make
Human Decisions.”
Midwest Association of Legal Studies in Business /
Midwest Business Administration Association Annual Conference.
With Thomas Freeman.
Chicago: March 2021.
“Digital Ethics: What’s Next?”
OSTROM Workshop.
Indiana University School of Business.
Bloomington, IN.
With Julius Hernandez and Shea Sullivan.
February 2021.
“A Taxonomy of Algorithmic Unreliability:
Using Facial Recognition to Map Constitutional Issues.”
Data, Law, and AI Ethics Research Colloquium.
Indiana University and Virginia Tech University.
Online (COVID): May 2020
“What Would Jesus Program?”
Rhetoric Society of America.
Portland, OR.
May 2020. (COVID).
“Racist Robots? A Visual Primer on Understanding Algorithmic Bias.”
Midwest Associate of Legal Studies in Business /
Midwest Business Administration Association Annual Conference.
With Thomas Freeman, Ayin Monge-Morales,
and Moises Morales.
March 2020.
“Rhetoric Versus the Robots II: The Ethics of Algorithmic Unreliability.”
International Society for the Study of Narrative.
With Weston Cregut and Rebekah Winkel.
New Orleans, LA. March 2020.
“Rhetoric Versus the Robots: Mapping the Legal
and Ethical Dimensions of Algorithmic Discrimination.”
Consortium for the Study of Religion, Ethics and Society at Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business.
Bloomington, IN. November 2019.
“Privacy 3.0: Using Narrative Theory to Navigate
Legal, Corporate, and Community Debates on Algorithmic Ethics.”
Data, Law, and AI Ethics Research Colloquium.
Washington and Lee School of Law.
With Thomas Freeman.
Lexington, VA. April 2019.
“Why Digital Rights Is The New Civil Rights Movement.”
North Carolina A & T State University.
Greensboro, NC: May 2018.
“What Norm MacDonald and Narrative TheoryCan Teach Us About Social Media Privacy
And Big Data Reasoning.”
Hamline University.
Saint Paul, MN. April 2017.
“The Art of EMF Science: Aesthetics, Ethics, and Post-Digital Health Advocacy.”
Rhetoric of Health And Medicine Conference.
With Stephen Pedersen and Allison Baker.
Online: October 2020.
“Cellular Home Invasion: Public Art As Rhetorical Intervention in Scientific Debates On EMF Health Effects.”
Rhetoric Society of America.
With Allison Baker and the Institute for Aesthetic Advocacy.
Portland, OR. May 2020. (COVID).
“EMF Science and the Post-Fact Society:
Models to Stop Disinformation.”
Drew University.
New Jersey: June 2018.
“Unsound Methods?”
Panel and Multimedia Performance.
Rhetoric Society of America.
With Cory Holding, Matt Sumera, Josh Gumiela, Allison Baker, and the Institute for Aesthetic Advocacy.
Minneapolis, MN, May 2018.
“#Objectivity: Unlikable Narrative Justice.”
Beyond Ferguson: Critical Conversations.
Hamline University.
Saint Paul, MN: January 2015.
“Campaign Narrative, The End:
A New Story for the Narrative Model of Rhetorical Agency,”
Rhetoric Society of America.
San Antonio, TX: May 2014.
“The New New Journalism: The Post-Postmodern
Aesthetics of Narrative As Rhetoric.”
International Society for the Study of Narrative.
Boston, MA:March 2014.
Rogue Publics.
Competitive Workshop.
Rhetoric Society of America Summer Institute.
Lawrence, KS: June 2013.
21st Century Presidential Rhetoric.
Competitive Workshop.
Rhetoric Society of America Summer Institute.
Lawrence, KS: June 2013.
“Audience 3.0: A New Rhetorical Ethics
(and Aesthetics) for a Post-Remix Era.”
Rhetoric Society of America.
Philadelphia, PA: May 2012.
“The Gentle Art of Accepting Enemies:
New Media and the Rhetorical Aesthetics of Audience Exclusion.”
International Society for the Study of Narrative.
St. Louis, MO: April 2011.
“Playing Out Remix,”
Conference on College Composition and Communication.
Louisville, KY: March 2010.
End the Gaffe (And How Narrative Theory Let’s Us Do It).”
International Society for the Study of Narrative.
Birmingham, UK: June 2009.
“I’m Not There Anymore: The Return of Identity in the Post-Remix Age.”
Thomas R. Watson Conference on Rhetoric and Composition.
Louisville, KY: October 2008.
“Ethos in a Remediated Age: Context, Character, and Community.”
Rhetoric Society of America.
Seattle, WA: May 2008.
Digital Rhetoric.
Competitive Workshop
Rhetoric Society of America Summer Institute.
Troy, NY: June 2007.
“Evaluating the ‘Narrative Turn.’”
Edward F. Hayes Graduate Research Forum.
Columbus, OH: April 2007.
“OurSpace: Resituating Civic Literacy
in the University Curriculum.”
The Ohio State University.
With Michael Harker and Scott Lloyd DeWitt.
Columbus, OH: March 30, 2007.
“The Rhetoric of Narrative--or, maybe, ‘The Narrative of Narrative.’”
Thomas R. Watson Conference on Rhetoric and Composition.
Louisville, KY, October 2006.
“The ‘Dean Scream’ Didn’t Happen
(And How it Did).”
American Popular Culture Association.
Atlanta, GA: April 2006.
“Triangulating Hate Speech and Free Speech in Algorithmic Environments.”
Indiana University.
Bloomington, IN: April 2022. (Online.)
“Make Them Bake Cake? In the Wake of Masterpiece Cakeshop, Which Religious Activities Are Protected Expression Under the First Amendment and Protected from Discrimination Laws?”
Midwest Business Administrative Association/Midwest Academy of Legal Studies in Business Joint Conference.
With Tom Freeman and Daniel Schneider.
Chicago, IL. March 2020.
“The Right to Speak, Bake, or Film…or Not…Which Activities are Protected Expression Under the First Amendment?”.
Huber Hurst Research Seminar
in Business Law and Ethics.
With Thomas Freeman.
Gainsville, FL. January 2020.
“What Would Jesus Program?”
Rhetoric Society of America.
Portland, OR.
May 2020. (COVID).
“Shouting Fire: Originalism and Antonin Scalia.”
Jiggery-Pokery and Applesauce? The Impact and Legacy of Justice Antonin Scalia,
Hamline University Center for Justice and Law.
Saint Paul, MN: February 2016.
“Campaign Narrative, The End: A New Story for the Narrative Model of Rhetorical Agency,”
Rhetoric Society of America.
San Antonio, TX: May 2014.
“The New New Journalism: The Post-Postmodern Aesthetics of Narrative As Rhetoric.”
International Society for the Study of Narrative. Boston, MA:March 2014.
Rogue Publics.
Competitive Workshop.
Rhetoric Society of America Summer Institute.
Lawrence, KS: June 2013.
21st Century Presidential Rhetoric.
Competitive Workshop.
Rhetoric Society of America Summer Institute.
Lawrence, KS: June 2013.
“Audience 3.0: A New Rhetorical Ethics (and Aesthetics) for a Post-Remix Era.”
Rhetoric Society of America.
Philadelphia, PA: May 2012.
“The Gentle Art of Accepting Enemies:
New Media and the Rhetorical Aesthetics of Audience Exclusion.”
International Society for the Study of Narrative.
St. Louis, MO: April 2011.
“Shouting ‘Fire’ in the Writing Classroom: Rhetoric, Law, and Composition.”
Conference on College Composition and Communication.
New York, NY: March 2007.
“The Gentle Art of Accepting Enemies: New Media and the Rhetorical Aesthetics of Audience Exclusion.”
International Society for the Study of Narrative.
St. Louis, MO: April 2011.
“Shouting ‘Fire’ in the Writing Classroom: Rhetoric, Law, and Composition.”
Conference on College Composition and Communication.
New York, NY: March 2007.
“‘Alive and well and living in Washington’: Narrativity, Casebook Logic, and Legal Pedagogy.”
International Society for the Study of Narrative.
Washington, D.C.: March 2007.
“Finding Authorization to ‘lance the boil’: Context, Content, and Free Speech Zones.” Association for the Study of Law, Culture, and the Humanities.
Syracuse, NY: March 2006.

Interactive, experiential,
and non-ideological AI ethics
and post-digital civics education.
Training students how to be AI ethics and policy leaders
in the race to win the 21st century
(and fight for post-digital humanity).
Training any/all professionals or citizen groups
how to be AI ethics and policy leaders.
Connecting classrooms and colleges
across the political and cultural divide.

Translating digital ethics’ complexities
into a language your grandma would understand
Triangulating bipartisan multi-faith
and cross-cultural coalitions and agreements
Designed to catalyze allegedly impossible
cross-cultural conversations,
curate community voices,
and protect our most vulnerable
post-digital citizens.

"Digital Rights Are Civil Rights"
International Juried Art Exhibition and Civic Forum
In Celebration of Minneapolis' Facial Recognition Ban
Minneapolis and Online. February 2021.
Safety Not Surveillance,
Minneapolis City Councilman Steve Lucero,
The Little Earth Native Youth Art Collective,
and the Institute for Aesthetic Advocacy
Thank you to our partners
and hundreds of artists
from around the world for making these
critical exhibitions possible
for our communities.

And we have the solutions and story
everyone needs right now.
But we've been through hell and need
to level up fast.
Give us a hand if you can.

The IDH is expert led, but student
and citizen powered.
We are always looking for people to lend their talents or time to the fight for a just, free,
and sane post-digital world.